Un Establo de Oro | for flute, cello & two guitars by Frank A. Wallace

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Un Establo de Oro
by Frank A. Wallace

op. 66 for flute, cello and two guitars; 5th work of For Federico in honor of Federico Garcia Lorca; PARTS INCLUDED

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Dedicated to: Atanas Ourkouzounov and Mie Ogura

Written: January, 2012

Duration: 9 minutes; 15 pages

Instrumentation: flute, cello and two guitars

Difficulty level: moderate in all parts

World premiere: March 6, 2013 by Fabian Hinsche and colleagues in Reformationskirche, Hilden, Germany

All Gyre compositions are ASCAP
Copyright ©2012 Frank A. Wallace
Cover photography and design by Nancy Knowles
All rights reserved.

Un Establo de Oro


This playlist includes several works from the collection “For Federico”: Epitafio a un Pájaro; Sombra para mis Gritos; La Perla del Pico; for narrator and guitar De la Muerte Oscura, and finally Un Establo de Oro.

For Federico

Un Establo de Oro was written in a frenzy over musical ideas I have been entranced with for the past year since writing Epitafio a un Pájaro. I used a system of deriving pitches from the names of Federico García Lorca and the dedicatee, Linda Marsella. Both diatonic and chromatic versions of their names were created, as well as harmonic and melodic versions. The result has given me inspiration for five pieces now: Epitafio a un Pájaro; Sombra para mis Gritos; La Perla del Pico; De la Muerte Oscura, and finally Un Establo de Oro.

While writing another work based on the same motivic material, I listened to a CD of the Ourkouzounov Ensemble, whom I have long admired. The sounds of this particular instrumentation (flute, cell and two guitars) grabbed me and I knew another new piece had to be written for my “For Federico” set of music. The title (A Stable of Gold) comes from the poem De la Muerte Oscura (Gacela #7) by García Lorca and is one of the more enigmatic images of that work. Is that the core fascination of Lorca — his stream of conscious connection of one image to another that we relate to, but don’t know why?!