Advice (vocal) | for mezzo, baritone, guitar by Frank A. Wallace

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by Frank A. Wallace

trio for mezzo-soprano, baritone and guitar; PARTS INCLUDED; also arranged for oboe, bassoon and piano

Become a Patron!

Written: May 11, 2006

Lyrics: poetry by Wendy Holmes Noyes

Language: English

Duration: 5 minutes; 7 pages

Difficulty level: Moderate voice parts, advanced for guitar

Instrumentation: mezzo-soprano, baritone, guitar

All Gyre compositions are ASCAP
Copyright ©2007 Frank A. Wallace
Cover photography and design by Nancy Knowles
All rights reserved.

Artist Wendy Holmes Noyes is a childhood buddy of my wife Nancy Knowles. She is a fabulous photographer and sent me this poem out of inspiration. I wrote the song within two weeks after receiving it.

A Finale / Garritan midi file of the instrumental version for oboe, bassoon and piano.

poetry by artist and friend Wendy Holmes Noyes


On these cold nights of the equinox

warmth ’til it washes over you
and radiates from within.

that you are a perfect child of god,
not in charge of the plot.

looking everywhere for lightness.
Don’t fret, ?for this corrects nothing.

Relish the black night
as it fills with the rippling song
of the woodcock, returned to dazzle his mate.

Learn from him as he spirals upward,
folds his wings at the peak, and plummets
in a fountain of melody to the dark field below.

Stand near where he lands,
then wanders curiously in circles,

And suddenly takes off again with a burst of wings,
whistling as he ascends,
only to tumble down once more in birdsong.

your open mind. Rise each day into fresh courage.
Embrace the early turn to spring.

the thaw in the soil; like the killdeer and the robin,
spend the morning listening for worms.

Let meaning take care of itself.