Gratus Sum | Sonata #4 by Frank A. Wallace

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Gratus Sum, Sonata #4, op. 98
by Frank A. Wallace

five movement sonata for guitar solo

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I am grateful! Sonata #4 was written in gratitude to ALL those who have supported me in the past two years: friends, family, acquaintances, Facebook friends, old friends, new friends, colleagues and loved ones.

Dedicated to William Kanengiser with special thanks to the Boston Classical Guitar Society and Bob Ward, Alex Dunn, Chris Ladd, Ása Guðjónsdóttir, David William Ross, Daniel Acsadi and Nick Cutroneo for the wonderful concerts they presented in tribute to my work on October 25 and 26, 2019 in Boston MA and Hartford CT.

I. Lento appassionato
II. Largo cantabile
III. Scherzo adagio
IV. Allegro
V. Finale

Duration: 15 minutes; 11 pages

Instrumentation: classical guitar

Difficulty level: concert work


All Gyre compositions are ASCAP
Copyright ©2019 Frank A. Wallace
Cover photography and design by Nancy Knowles
All rights reserved.

I have much to be thankful for, as I have said many times in these blogs. And so today, in the spirit of my nearly completed 4th Guitar Sonata, Gratus Sum – I am Grateful – I give thanks to all the musicians who have done so much to inspire and support me. Gratus Sum is dedicated to long time friend William Kanengiser and gives special thanks to the the seven musicians listed below who presented two concerts in my honor on Oct. 25 and 26, 2019 in Boston and Hartford. Bill made a surprise guest appearance at the Hartford concert – a huge thrill to hear him play several movements of Sweet ladyslipper.

Bob Ward and the Boston Classical Guitar Society presented in Boston and Chris Ladd presented the concert at the Hartt school in Hartford CT. The concert of my compositions featuree Bob with Alex Dunn playing Duo Sonata #1; Chris Ladd, guitar and Ása Guðjónsdóttir, violin, on Gryphon, Violin Sonata #1, Daniel Acsadi playing Débil del Alba, David William Ross did Cyrcles, Sonata #3 and Nick Cutroneo played Shadow of the Sun. All joined for a wonderful performance of New England Sextets at the end.