On the Sol, in Mi (trio) | by Frank A. Wallace
On the Sol, en Mi
by Frank A. Wallace
for two mandolins and guitar (or any melody instruments) PARTS INCLUDED
by Frank A. Wallace
for two mandolins and guitar (or any melody instruments) PARTS INCLUDED
Commissioned by: Mark and Beverly Davis
Written: fall, 2011
Duration: 3 minutes; 3 pages
Skill level: mostly single notes for melody; some stretches and hard chords for guitar
Instrumentation: 2 mandolins or violin, flute, clarinet, etc. with guitar
Gyre Publications
Copyright ©2011 Frank A. Wallace
Cover photography and design by Nancy Knowles
All rights reserved.
On the Sol, in Mi was arranged from a short guitar solo that is part of Harlequin in Love–a pun on the fact that most of the melody is played on the third string (sol) in the key of E Major (mi). Mark Davis told me that this piece was very special to him, one of the most important pieces he had ever played. That was enough to get me to arrange it for his new trio of 2 mandolins and guitar.
The title is a pun on the original work in the key of E, melody played all on the G-string.